The Bouquet of Love Ceremony

Bouquet of Love is a beautiful nostalgic ceremony

A table with an empty vase in the middle of a table, with roses or flowers laying on each side of the vase, are already laid on the table at the front of the ceremony site..

As a song is played the children would come up and place a rose or a flower in the vase.    

Officiant: “The children will now come up to represent the families and friends of Groom and Bride by placing a rose or flower in the vase. These roses or flowers individually represent all those who have had a part in making Groom and Bride who they are today and who remain very much a part of their new united family”.

This is another unique way to involve children into the ceremony.

 I would perform this ceremony while speaking some loving words joinging the family and friends together to celebrate their new union 

For more information on this beautiful ceremony, please contact me at; or Cell Phone 210-279-5520